JUNE 2008 - summary
I started to ride on bicycles as newbie since April 1st 2008 and by the end of June 2008 I had clocked 1232km in 51-pedaling days. Averaging 23km per trip. In June I did on average of 33km per pedaling-day covering 662km from sea-level to about 1000ft ht summit.

The accumulated km count is important for me - probably because I go cycling for different reasons, not like most cyclists do - it has always been very difficult for me to answer questions when asked by fellow cyclists which "circuit" or "play ground" I normally go. I don't even know the exact location where Kiara trail is. Bukit Besi Temangan, 400km away from SKV I know la.

I go pedaling to explore and see things around that I didn't normally pay much attention at or have enough time for while traveling in cars and other mode of transportation. Some places are not accessible by any motorized vehicles - not even 4WDs and off-roads motorcycles. While MTBs and ATBs always can, I mean... I can always tolak, tarik and angkat the bicycle when there are obstacles - virtually there is no hindrance to act as impediments along pedaling way.
Sunday [1232th km]
SEMENYIH DAM 70km - in CCW round trip from SKV.
Pushed off from SKV with Dr. G at 0640hrs. The whole morning was cloudy - then the sky was completely overcast, the rain falling in torrents just after we had stopped for roti chanai at a Bt 14. Then we continued cycling towards Kajang in drizzle.
Done 69.1km in 3h 25m at an avg speed of 20.1km/h, dragged down by the 10km-ascend in the vicinity of Semenyih Dam - about 4km of the stretch was really steep for a beginner like me. Freewheeling on the other side of the hill towards Bt. 14 was a blessing, really enjoyable. Next time shall try going in CW direction lak.

I was supposed to join aerobic session till the end this morning - but the new instructor was so boring. After stretching in and out for a couple of minutes I left and continued jogging for about 45minutes around TTCempaka while my other half continued and enjoyed the dance.
Nothing much to do today. I spent the whole midday sleeping until I remembered to go n buy something at KSH Bicycle with Dr. G at 1500hrs - I sped off at 1531hrs following the fastest route to TTDI in 35minutes from BBBangi. Our navigator was Garmin Nuvi.
Putrajaya CRITICAL MASS-3 update
My START-FINISH line was at Dataran Putra. I pushed off with my son around 2030hrs to join the group at the pre-determined location. After nearly 45minutes waiting for the rest to come the Critical Mass grew up to around 80 - it has been reported that the final count was nearly 100!
We started to pedal at 2150hrs - as shown below in the CCW direction.
About 7km to the 'finish line' the middle cluster [mostly MTBs/ATBs - hardtail and FS alike] stopped to wait for the slower siblings. The frontline superlight roadbikes had left us much earlier in the class of their own! Of course there are scores of slower roadbikes too behind us. BTW it wasn't a race.

Oh yeah,.. I almost forgot. There is another orange Proton t-bolt actually- out of scene. The cyclist probably had made a u-turn. May be he preferred to pedal along the alley or on unpaved roads...he..heee.!!
The total distance covered was 25.6km. It took me 1h 18mins on T-bolt - moving average: 19.5km/h.
The ride distance and the speed was "just right" for me as I normally do between 20~30km pedaling during routine nite and pre-dawn practices.
Some took short cuts...., no matter what, it was really an enjoyable nite ride around Putrajaya. Expecting the next "critical mass" number would be doubled - i.e at least 150 cyclists to take part. For sure I'll be there, again. "Wutta wunderful nite". Nice meeting with u guyz.
What to do when u r confronted by dogs while cycling.
Actually most dogs, especially those make lots of barking and noises are COWARD animals. Dogs do more barking if they are in a group, each and everyone tries to sing-along the out-of-tune chorus!. But beware when it sounds like "Ghrrrrrr..." it's an aggressive one!
NEVER run! That is a display of weakness. Face the dog. If you run the dog will come after you so do not run and don't say any thing - just stay calm and walk away slowly while pushing your bike - do not start to pedal right away until u arrive at the 'safe' distance.
If the dog comes too close for comfort. Then try first to command the dog to sit or get down, speak out in all languages u know. Despite the fact the dog is aggressive, if it has been trained it will probably respond. You could even try scolding the dog like its owner would. The dog should start to falter at which point you advance a little bit and continue to repeat the commands. Advance and repeat. Eventually the dog will either run or roll over and show you his belly--both signs of submission.
I face the situation during early morning cycling - almost every time, takut pun ada gak... every time I wished I had a proper device to exterminate 'em all. As I had said before, I wanna be a dogBUSTER. And I certainly will after getting the right "instruments".
Rewinding to the past twelve weeks... it was April 1st, 2008 when I first started to ride on a bicycle [again] after leaving it for 35yrs! It wasn't an April Fool at all. This pursuit was not accidental because my absolute passion was exploring on bicycle during childhood in the surrounding where I used to live and play, and even today some 400km away from where I came from I'm still surrounded by what I like most. The only way to arrive there is on the one-manpower two-wheeler.
Since then I have been practicing seriously on an average of 4 days a week [I spent the other 3 days for resting, aerobic/jogging and swimming respectively]
Referring to the chart ...

During the first 25 cycling-day I did hardly 20km/day on average. Then from 26th day onwards I increased the intensity by 50% more, averaging approx. 30km/day [at dawn, in the evening and at night... only 4 days in a week maah, not evelee deyyy]. I arrived at the 1001th km milestone on the 47th day, i.e three days earlier than scheduled. Hence I could take breaks on the '3-day bonus'. My next pedaling will be Thursday 26th. From then onwards I shall be pedaling no less than 30km per cycling day... if the God will.
At the end of the 50-day practice [Sunday 22nd, 2008] I spoiled myself for a 117km endurance return trip to Morib with my coach - Dr. G, the ironman TRIATHLON.
How to categorize cycling distance?
up to 10km - warming up
10~20km - lite cycling, just to keep the old motor running
20~40km - short range level 'S' [done]
40~80km - medium range level 'M' [done]
80~120km - long range level 'L' [done]
Next Levels....
120~160km - Level 'XL' [will try only after clocking 3000km]
above 160km - Level 'XXL' [mampukah lagi aku??]
I started to ride on bicycles as newbie since April 1st 2008 and by the end of June 2008 I had clocked 1232km in 51-pedaling days. Averaging 23km per trip. In June I did on average of 33km per pedaling-day covering 662km from sea-level to about 1000ft ht summit.

AHW cycling tracks around Machang in early June 2008 are shown in green.
I go pedaling to explore and see things around that I didn't normally pay much attention at or have enough time for while traveling in cars and other mode of transportation. Some places are not accessible by any motorized vehicles - not even 4WDs and off-roads motorcycles. While MTBs and ATBs always can, I mean... I can always tolak, tarik and angkat the bicycle when there are obstacles - virtually there is no hindrance to act as impediments along pedaling way.
Sunday [1232th km]
SEMENYIH DAM 70km - in CCW round trip from SKV.

Done 69.1km in 3h 25m at an avg speed of 20.1km/h, dragged down by the 10km-ascend in the vicinity of Semenyih Dam - about 4km of the stretch was really steep for a beginner like me. Freewheeling on the other side of the hill towards Bt. 14 was a blessing, really enjoyable. Next time shall try going in CW direction lak.

Dr. G - my 'coach' cum the trip guide
I was supposed to join aerobic session till the end this morning - but the new instructor was so boring. After stretching in and out for a couple of minutes I left and continued jogging for about 45minutes around TTCempaka while my other half continued and enjoyed the dance.
Nothing much to do today. I spent the whole midday sleeping until I remembered to go n buy something at KSH Bicycle with Dr. G at 1500hrs - I sped off at 1531hrs following the fastest route to TTDI in 35minutes from BBBangi. Our navigator was Garmin Nuvi.
Putrajaya CRITICAL MASS-3 update
My START-FINISH line was at Dataran Putra. I pushed off with my son around 2030hrs to join the group at the pre-determined location. After nearly 45minutes waiting for the rest to come the Critical Mass grew up to around 80 - it has been reported that the final count was nearly 100!
We started to pedal at 2150hrs - as shown below in the CCW direction.
as seen by the satellite tracking device...
About 7km to the 'finish line' the middle cluster [mostly MTBs/ATBs - hardtail and FS alike] stopped to wait for the slower siblings. The frontline superlight roadbikes had left us much earlier in the class of their own! Of course there are scores of slower roadbikes too behind us. BTW it wasn't a race.
At least four [4] proton T-bolts were spotted in a row! - they were in white, blue...

...green and another blue.

Oh yeah,.. I almost forgot. There is another orange Proton t-bolt actually- out of scene. The cyclist probably had made a u-turn. May be he preferred to pedal along the alley or on unpaved roads...he..heee.!!
The total distance covered was 25.6km. It took me 1h 18mins on T-bolt - moving average: 19.5km/h.

Some took short cuts...., no matter what, it was really an enjoyable nite ride around Putrajaya. Expecting the next "critical mass" number would be doubled - i.e at least 150 cyclists to take part. For sure I'll be there, again. "Wutta wunderful nite". Nice meeting with u guyz.
What to do when u r confronted by dogs while cycling.
Actually most dogs, especially those make lots of barking and noises are COWARD animals. Dogs do more barking if they are in a group, each and everyone tries to sing-along the out-of-tune chorus!. But beware when it sounds like "Ghrrrrrr..." it's an aggressive one!
NEVER run! That is a display of weakness. Face the dog. If you run the dog will come after you so do not run and don't say any thing - just stay calm and walk away slowly while pushing your bike - do not start to pedal right away until u arrive at the 'safe' distance.
If the dog comes too close for comfort. Then try first to command the dog to sit or get down, speak out in all languages u know. Despite the fact the dog is aggressive, if it has been trained it will probably respond. You could even try scolding the dog like its owner would. The dog should start to falter at which point you advance a little bit and continue to repeat the commands. Advance and repeat. Eventually the dog will either run or roll over and show you his belly--both signs of submission.
I face the situation during early morning cycling - almost every time, takut pun ada gak... every time I wished I had a proper device to exterminate 'em all. As I had said before, I wanna be a dogBUSTER. And I certainly will after getting the right "instruments".
Rewinding to the past twelve weeks... it was April 1st, 2008 when I first started to ride on a bicycle [again] after leaving it for 35yrs! It wasn't an April Fool at all. This pursuit was not accidental because my absolute passion was exploring on bicycle during childhood in the surrounding where I used to live and play, and even today some 400km away from where I came from I'm still surrounded by what I like most. The only way to arrive there is on the one-manpower two-wheeler.
Since then I have been practicing seriously on an average of 4 days a week [I spent the other 3 days for resting, aerobic/jogging and swimming respectively]
Referring to the chart ...

At the end of the 50-day practice [Sunday 22nd, 2008] I spoiled myself for a 117km endurance return trip to Morib with my coach - Dr. G, the ironman TRIATHLON.
How to categorize cycling distance?
up to 10km - warming up
10~20km - lite cycling, just to keep the old motor running
20~40km - short range level 'S' [done]
40~80km - medium range level 'M' [done]
80~120km - long range level 'L' [done]
Next Levels....
120~160km - Level 'XL' [will try only after clocking 3000km]
above 160km - Level 'XXL' [mampukah lagi aku??]