Critical Mass [CM] is a cycling event normally held on the last Friday of every month around the world. CM has no leaders. It's an event, not an organization. There is no national group that licenses local rides. Critical Mass can be fun, but in and of itself, Critical Mass doesn't change anything. CM is effective only when combined with real advocacy - such as lobbying local and state governments for bike lanes and progressive legislation.
In a city that has a CM, one or more cyclists just picked a day and time and started handing out fliers. The purpose of Critical Mass is not formalized beyond the direct action of meeting at a set location and time and traveling as a group through city or town streets. Most Critical Mass rides don't have a set route - they go through the central city randomly, with whoever happens to be in front leading the way. At Putrajaya Critical Mass [PCM] however, the route has been set before each ride.
Friday 19th - Putrajaya Critical Mass VI
Normally Putrajaya Critical Mass Ride is scheduled on the last Friday night every month. However PCM V and VI took place a week earlier. Click HERE for more info.
PCM for September this year took place during the Fasting Month of Ramadhan [the 9th month of Hijr Calendar]. During which month the Muslims have to go to mosques for or after breaking fast to perform prayers which normally end around 10:00pm or so. Hence PCM had to begin after 11:30pm to allow for
riders traveling time - some riders have to drive more than 50km from their homes for the PCM.

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Friday 19th - Putrajaya Critical Mass VI

PCM for September this year took place during the Fasting Month of Ramadhan [the 9th month of Hijr Calendar]. During which month the Muslims have to go to mosques for or after breaking fast to perform prayers which normally end around 10:00pm or so. Hence PCM had to begin after 11:30pm to allow for
riders traveling time - some riders have to drive more than 50km from their homes for the PCM.