Track #1 - numero uno is Putrajaya Wetlands
Putrajaya Wetlands is one of the largest constructed freshwater wetlands in the world!. It has a total area of approx. 3.5 sq km.
Putrajaya Wetlands consists of 24 wetland cells, Wetlands Park (Taman Wetland) and the other Wetlands areas. The Wetland now is also a wildlife sanctuary which attracts a huge variety of animals to the combined terrestrial-aquatic wetland environment. Putrajaya Wetlands is the nearest place to my house for bird watching - I mean feathered birds! Several species of local marshland birds and water birds including the Little Egret, the Little Green Heron and Cinnamon Bittern, and migratory birds form Northern Hemisphere have been spotted there.
It is also a place to enjoy a leisurely walk, jog or cycle along its bicycle track ...

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Track #2 - South of Putrajaya and BB Bangi

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Track #3 - Tmn Putra Perdana
Taman Putra Perdana is located at the highest point in Presint 1. It is surrounded by Persiaran Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah and acts as an intermediator between the natural domains to the North and the Government and Commercial domains to the South and East. The park is among the best place to enjoy a panoramic view of Putrajaya.

Taman Wawasan is located on the Northern section of the Core Island area in Presint 2. The park is bordered by the Putrajaya Lake and Canal on one side, while along the Western side is the hard edged city fabric of the Persiaran Perdana. Taman Wawasan is conceptualised as the principal Metropolitan Park.
Among the facilities and attractions provided in the park are:
* Birds Aviary
* Three Theme Adventure Playgrounds (Parks, Water, Forest)
* Park Promenade
* Light Beacons
* Gazebos(Wakaf) and Shelters
* Jogging Tracks
* Headlands Area

Track #5 - Putrajaya Botanical Garden
Putrajaya Botanical Garden is located on the Northern section of Precinct 1. It is a glorious sight. It is so amazingly inspiring seeing all those beautiful trees, flowers and green shrubs thriving on a hill overlooking a serene lake, with the imposing Putra Mosque standing tall, its shadows shimmering on the calm waters.
This park has been designed as an Acadia or a national sanctuary for the Malaysian living collection of plant taxonomy as well as a centre for education and research.

Track #6 - Tmn Warisan Pertanian (Joging only)
Taman Warisan Pertanian is located within the southern part of Presint 16. It is a showcase of Malaysia's commercial agricultural development. This includes rubber tree, oil palm, coffee, tea, cocoa, fruits, herbs and spices.
• Rubber Plot
• Fruit Orchard
• Herbs and Spices
• Viewing Deck

Track #7 - MINTec Park and its vicinity
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Track #8- Taman Tasek Chempaka (Joging only)
Taman Tasek Chempaka is a recreational spot suitable for jogging - there is also BangiWALK enhances the reputation of this recreational area and provide yet another place for residents to spend their leisure time.
Every Saturday morning BangiWALK is a place for aerobic. The park also includes a six-hectare lake along Sungai Air Hitam which is ideal for fishing and relaxation in the evenings.

Tracks Outside Klang Valley
1. Around my hometown, Machang Suburbs

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2. Shah Alam