50km Cross-Country [XC] Enduro
My first attempt for a 50km cross-country endurance [on road, off road, climbing slopes and downhill stunts].
The first 20km stage was accompanied by my first son, Ijo. Probably this is going to be his last cycling with me. He will be flying to Dubai tonight. Got a job there. Good luck son. I'm gonna miss u.
The second 30km endurance ride was accompanied by my second son, Keo who had started his carrier as a journalist.
stopped under a shed in an oilpalm plantation for a snack after vigorous down-hill stunts, where he was almost fainted - most likely due to low BP or insufficient O2 intake...
Not too bad for a sub RM1k full suspension two-wheeler. Good all-round machine for newbies/beginners who r not ready to spend more money on something like Trek Fuel EX-series . Not a real MTB or DHB for the experts though. Best-value for money in budget X-country and touring bike category.
Letter from Dubai [a week later....]
Apa khabar semua? At last Jo dapat online juga dari Dubai! Alhamdulillah. How's everything there? JO baru balik kerja. Now is 8.46 pm in Dubai (Malaysia 12.46 am kot).
....now, it's 5th day of working, so boleh la adapt sikit2..... I had a new experience out of my comfort zone here in DUbai. I hope to stay as long as I can, insya-allah. Here, kawan2 Malaysia Jo terdiri daripada Zaidi Kemuning, 28 y.o (the oldest), Hazrul from KB, 25. Joey Boey, 23 (chinese from Kinrara) and our 'Sister', Smita, 19 (a punjabi girl from Ipoh). Jo, Joey and Smita are in the same department ....
I have good news and not-so-bad news. Not-so-bad news, the weather so hot but dat's just the beginning....From June till September, Dubai will be crowded with more tourist and the temperature can get to 50 degrees......sometimes terasa dizzy, out-of-focus ( dis nothing to do with seeing too much of ladies in bikini :) ...
Good news...we had an English test ... The result comprise of English 1 to 4 or Fully Competent in English....Jo is the only candidate yang fully competent in English. My English is acceptable for a World-Class Company! hehehehe...
The food here is great! Jo makan kat Jumeirah Hotel ...Menu pagi, Chicken Sandwich, Cornflakes, Toast, Milk, Orange Juice, Coffee...Lunch, sometimes nasi beriyani, vermicellli rice (mak can try dat! masak nasi + mee hon), daging steak yang selalu Mak buat masa Ramadan dipanggil Beef Swaharma, Ice Lemon Tea...DInner, lamb chop+pasta+french fries, veg. salad, air Lassi (susu masam - sedap jugak!) Mmg kenyang sgt..but Jo still miss Asam Pedas Daun Kesum ngan Ais Krim Mangga kat rumah...hehehe...
Yayah macam mana? Kaki dah sembuh? Harap OK la...kat sini sticker Barbie sebijik mcm yang Yayah beli lagi murah...50 Fils saja ( 40 sen) je...Air Tin (Pepsi/Coke) 1 AED saje...tapi barang yang lain sgt mahal! aIr mineral pon mahal...
..most ladies kerja in Jumeirah are Filipinos...ada yang cun2...hehehe...nice to see but not available...
Hm....Byk bende nak cerita tapi Jo pun nak solat Isya, nak mandi , dah ngantuk nak zzZZ dah....I miss home very much...dah rindu nak kokot daun kat backyard...hehe...Lots of love from Ijo in Dubai!
My first attempt for a 50km cross-country endurance [on road, off road, climbing slopes and downhill stunts].
It was done in two stages. My two sons took turns to escort me. Just in-case...
The second 30km endurance ride was accompanied by my second son, Keo who had started his carrier as a journalist.
My new machine, PROTON T-Bolt.
Not too bad for a sub RM1k full suspension two-wheeler. Good all-round machine for newbies/beginners who r not ready to spend more money on something like Trek Fuel EX-series . Not a real MTB or DHB for the experts though. Best-value for money in budget X-country and touring bike category.
Letter from Dubai [a week later....]
Apa khabar semua? At last Jo dapat online juga dari Dubai! Alhamdulillah. How's everything there? JO baru balik kerja. Now is 8.46 pm in Dubai (Malaysia 12.46 am kot).
....now, it's 5th day of working, so boleh la adapt sikit2..... I had a new experience out of my comfort zone here in DUbai. I hope to stay as long as I can, insya-allah. Here, kawan2 Malaysia Jo terdiri daripada Zaidi Kemuning, 28 y.o (the oldest), Hazrul from KB, 25. Joey Boey, 23 (chinese from Kinrara) and our 'Sister', Smita, 19 (a punjabi girl from Ipoh). Jo, Joey and Smita are in the same department ....
I have good news and not-so-bad news. Not-so-bad news, the weather so hot but dat's just the beginning....From June till September, Dubai will be crowded with more tourist and the temperature can get to 50 degrees......sometimes terasa dizzy, out-of-focus ( dis nothing to do with seeing too much of ladies in bikini :) ...
Good news...we had an English test ... The result comprise of English 1 to 4 or Fully Competent in English....Jo is the only candidate yang fully competent in English. My English is acceptable for a World-Class Company! hehehehe...
The food here is great! Jo makan kat Jumeirah Hotel ...Menu pagi, Chicken Sandwich, Cornflakes, Toast, Milk, Orange Juice, Coffee...Lunch, sometimes nasi beriyani, vermicellli rice (mak can try dat! masak nasi + mee hon), daging steak yang selalu Mak buat masa Ramadan dipanggil Beef Swaharma, Ice Lemon Tea...DInner, lamb chop+pasta+french fries, veg. salad, air Lassi (susu masam - sedap jugak!) Mmg kenyang sgt..but Jo still miss Asam Pedas Daun Kesum ngan Ais Krim Mangga kat rumah...hehehe...
Yayah macam mana? Kaki dah sembuh? Harap OK la...kat sini sticker Barbie sebijik mcm yang Yayah beli lagi murah...50 Fils saja ( 40 sen) je...Air Tin (Pepsi/Coke) 1 AED saje...tapi barang yang lain sgt mahal! aIr mineral pon mahal...
..most ladies kerja in Jumeirah are Filipinos...ada yang cun2...hehehe...nice to see but not available...
Hm....Byk bende nak cerita tapi Jo pun nak solat Isya, nak mandi , dah ngantuk nak zzZZ dah....I miss home very much...dah rindu nak kokot daun kat backyard...hehe...Lots of love from Ijo in Dubai!